紫光集團破產重整!子公司紫光展銳、長江儲存急切割 | TechNews 科技新報

    2024-09-20 09:04

    中國紫光集團 9 日驚傳債權人申請破產重整,震撼中國科技產業圈。據日經報導,紫光集團旗下 IC 設計公司紫光展銳(Unisoc)為了跟母公司紫光集團保持距離,正在尋找新投資人,同時為首次公開募股做準備。 據 3 位知情人士透露,紫光展銳希望找到願意支付 200 億人民幣、收購紫光集團 35.2% 股...


    紫光集團破產重整!子公司紫光展銳、長江儲存急切割 - Mobile01

    中國紫光集團 9 日驚傳債權人申請破產重整,震撼中國科技產業圈。. 據日經報導,紫光集團旗下 IC 設計公司紫光展銳(Unisoc)為了跟母公司紫光集團保持距離,正在尋找新投資人,同時為首次公開募股做準備。. 據 3 位知情人士透露,紫光展銳希望找到願意 ...

    中國紫光破產重整 子公司紫光展銳急切割 - 自由財經

    現有消息指出,紫光集團旗下子公司紫光展銳(Unisoc. ... 《日本經濟新聞》報導,紫光集團本月9日證實遭債權人徽商銀行向法院聲請啟動破產程序後,紫光展銳為急切割與紫光集團關係,在其微信中發文,強調該公司與紫光集團沒有共享管理團隊或業務關係,也 ...

    清華紫光面臨破產,中國晶片雄心再受考驗 - 紐約時報中文網

    清華紫光面臨破產,中國晶片雄心再受考驗. 清華紫光集團似乎是中國在關鍵微晶片行業取得領先地位的一步棋。. Ng Han Guan/Associated Press. 2015年, 一家由房地產大亨經營的名不見經傳的公司 讓全世界看到了中國在半導體領域的雄心壯志,半導體是支撐計算的基礎 ...

    Unisoc Gets USD552 Million Investment as Chinese Chipmaker Steps Closer ...

    Founded in 2013 in Shanghai, Unisoc is the Chinese mainland's largest mobile chip manufacturer. Before this financing round, the company was valued at CNY60 billion (USD8.3 billion), having completed four fundraisers, the latest of which was in April 2021 when the company raised CNY5.4 billion from four institutions, including Shanghai ...

    紫光展銳 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

    紫光展銳. 紫光展銳(上海)科技有限公司 ,簡稱 紫光展銳 ,是一家 中國 的積體電路晶片設計公司,總部位於 上海市張江高科 。. 2018年由 紫光集團 旗下的 展訊通信 、 銳迪科微電子 合併而成,在全球擁有超過5000名員工。. 分類 : . 2018年成立的公司. 清華控 ...

    Exclusive: Chinese Smartphone Chipmaker Unisoc's Financing Plan Stalled ...

    Debt-laden Chinese chip giant Tsinghua Unigroup has been struggling to find financing for one of its key units due to disagreements among the unit's shareholders.. Unisoc, the mobile phone chipmaking unit of Unigroup, has had its assets frozen in an ongoing lawsuit involving some shareholders, the unit is unable to proceed with an initial public offering, an institutional shareholder of ...

    中國大型晶片公司紫光集團獲得國資背景的戰略投資者 - Wsj

    負債累累的中國晶片集團紫光集團有限公司 (Tsinghua Unigroup Co.)表示,兩家國資背景的半導體風投公司牽頭的財團將成為其戰略投資者。. 這筆交易是紫光集團尋求重組資產的最新舉措。. 今年7月,紫光集團遭一名債權人 申請破產 。. 紫光集團曾被譽為中國的 ...

    UNISOC - Wikipedia

    UNISOC (Chinese: 紫光展锐; pinyin: Zǐguāng zhǎn ruì), formerly Spreadtrum Communications, Inc. (Chinese: 展讯通信有限公司; pinyin: Zhǎnxùn Tōngxìn Yǒuxiàn Gōngsī), is a Chinese fabless semiconductor company headquartered in Shanghai which produces chipsets for mobile phones.UNISOC develops its business in two major fields - consumer electronics and industrial electronics.

    Chinese Chipmaker UNISOC Completed Equity Restructuring and Will Get ...

    NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / July 9, 2020 / Announced in May, Chinese chipmaker UNISOC has received increased capital of CNY 5 billion (around USD 715 million) and completed the equity restructuring.

    Intel, Chinese Chipmaker Unisoc Scrap 5G Alliance for Fear of ...

    Unisoc released a series of 5G products, including a 5G communication technology platform and its first 5G baseband chip at this week's Mobile World Congress, on the same day reports came out that its cooperation with Intel was ending. Unisoc is working on its own 5G modem chip without help from Intel, it announced in Barcelona.

    鴻海入股紫光投身「中國半導體國家隊」 將演變成台商打台企?

    紫光集團歷經2020年債務違約和2021年破產重整,由智廣芯控股接盤,台灣鴻海集團透過工業富聯對智廣芯注資人民幣53.8億元(約合新台幣239億元)。 ... 媒體報導稱,紫光集團旗下生產智慧手機晶片的紫光展銳公司(UNISOC Shanghai Technologies)將從這些基金關聯公司 ...

    UNISOC Completes Equity Restructuring, Promotes IPO Process

    As announced on May 12, Chinese fabless semiconductor company UNISOC increased capital by CNY 5 billion (USD 715 million) to complete its equity restructuring. The IPO process is now on track for a 2021 listing on the SSE STAR Market, Shanghai's recent NASDAQ-style Science and Technology board, by the restructured company valued at CNY 55 ...

    Exclusive: Chinese chip designer Unisoc seeks to raise $1.5 bln in ...

    Chinese chip design company Unisoc (Shanghai) Technologies Co is seeking to raise 10 billion yuan ($1.5 billion) in a new funding round that will value the firm at about 70 billion yuan ($10.3 ...


    打印. 0:00 0:01:16. 下載. 三位知情人士告訴路透社,中國芯片設計公司"紫光展銳(上海)科技有限公司"(Unisoc Shanghai Technologies Co)正在尋求在新一輪融資中籌集100億元人民幣(約15億美元),使該公司的估值達到大約700億元人民幣(103億美元)。. 知情人士說 ...

    Exclusive-Chinese chip designer Unisoc seeks to raise $1.5 ... - CNA

    HONG KONG/SHANGHAI : Chinese chip design company Unisoc (Shanghai) Technologies Co is seeking to raise 10 billion yuan ($1.5 billion) in a new funding round that will value the firm at about 70 ...

    Intel-backed Chinese chipmaker UNISOC looks to raise $700m

    EUDORA WANG, DealStreetAsia October 24, 2019 00:56 JST. HONG KONG -- UNISOC, an Intel-backed Chinese semiconductor firm that specializes in developing chipsets for mobile communications and ...

    At Unisoc's Shanghai showroom, China's chip ambitions remain strong in ...

    Unisoc is a leading designer of communication chips. According to market research firm Counterpoint, Unisoc's share of the global smartphone chip market was 10 per cent in the third quarter of ...

    經營70年撐不住了!美國知名連鎖服飾宣布破產 所有分店清倉拍賣

    美國東北部知名連鎖零售商店「Bob's Stores」,經營70年,不料3日卻傳出將結束營業的消息,Bob's Stores總裁證實已經申請破產保護,將會關閉旗下 ...

    Dozens of Android phones can be hacked — what you need to do

    The vulnerability exists on phones using the UNISOC SC9863A chipset, which includes many phones that cost about $100 or less such as the Nokia C20, C20 Plus and C30, the upcoming Nokia C21 and C21 ...

    Unisoc processor guide: Here's what you need to know

    Nokia. Unisoc's first foray into low-end chips, starting in 2012, yielded chips that were lacking features, even back then. Some chips in their initial lineup lacked 3G capabilities, but we did ...

    紫光展銳科技::代理產線::世平集團 - WPG Holdings

    目前,紫光展銳的員工數量近4500人,90%以上是研發人員,在全球擁有14個技術研發中心和7個客戶支援中心。. 已發展成為中國十大積體電路設計企業、全球第三大面向公開市場的手機晶片設計企業和中國領先的5G通信晶片企業。. 世平集團成立於1980年 (中國營運 ...

    List of UNISOC systems on chips - Wikipedia

    List. Cherry Mobile Flare A1 Roam, Evercoss Xtream 2 Pro, Maxwest Gravity 5 GO. SC9850K [29] 2018. List. Advan i7U, Advan S5E Full View, Archos Alba 6, Evercoss Xtream 1 Plus, Evercoss Xtream 1 Prime, Intex Elyt Dual, Lenovo K320t, SPC L53 Selfie, Symphony Roar V150, True Smart 4G GEN C 5.5, Ziox Duopix F9 Pro.

    香港零售額連跌三月 首五個月跌6% 其他數據亦 ... - Rfi

    香港零售額連跌三月 首五個月跌6% 其他數據亦不佳 全年gdp能否達標惹關注. 佔香港本地生產總值(gdp)比重逾兩成的零售貨值,連續三個月收縮,即使5 ...

    Unisoc — Википедия

    Unisoc (кит. 紫光展锐 ), ранее Spreadtrum Communications, Inc. ( кит. 展讯通信有限公司 , Zhǎnxùn Tōngxìn Yǒuxiàn Gōngsī) — китайская бесфабричная компания , расположенная в Шанхае, проектирующая чипсеты для мобильных телефонов.

    剛破產又出現瑕疵 Fisker將召回美歐1.2萬輛電動車 - 自由財經

    美國電動車新創公司Fisker因長年飽受虧損於6月17日申請破產保護。(歐新社) 吳孟峰/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕曾被譽為「汽車界的蘋果」、「特斯拉殺手」的美國電動車新創Fisker,近年飽受虧損及現金短缺所苦,於6月17日正式申請破產,沒想到禍不單行,近日又因汽車零件故障,宣布在 ...

    詹宏志才說不裁員…PChome員工爆「2單位要砍人 ... - MSN

    老牌電商網家(PChome)近年營運陷入困境,光去年就虧掉半個股本,今年初更傳出面臨破產倒閉,讓網家不得不發重訊闢謠,6月股東會上董事長詹 ...

    香港5月個人破產呈請創兩年高 - Msn

    破產管理署5月收到61宗強制清盤呈請書,按年上升85%。 年內,累計收到316宗強制清盤呈請書,較2023年同期上升39%。 5月,法院發出43個清盤令,按月 ...