【CityU BBA Marketing 全攻略】JUPAS 收分、出路、面試及常見問題

    2024-09-20 12:31

    一、 BBA Marketing 課程簡介. 二、JUPAS 收生分數及準則 (包括:admission score, interview 面試安排等等) 三、 BBA Marketing 出路. 四、關於讀 BBA Marketing 常見問題. 一、BBA Marketing 課程簡介. JS1007 工商管理學士(市場營銷)為香港城市大學開設的學士文憑課程。. 故名思義 ...

    cityu marketing面試

    人人都啱讀CityU Marketing?|大學聯招 Jupas 揀科101 - YouTube

    #Jupas揀科101 #市場學系 #BBAMarketing 更多DSE學習短片及Jupas揀科內容:https://academy.snapask.com/ 善於辭令的Alison畢業於CityU BBA Marketing ...

    BBA Marketing - College of Business, City University of Hong Kong

    CityU BBA Marketing stands out from other BBA and Marketing programmes by providing a pioneering approach that consists of: i-Marketing +. The "i" element of our programme refers to INTERACTIVE, INTERNATIONAL and INTELLIGENCE. With its discovery-enriched curriculum design, students in CityU Marketing interact and connect with world-class ...

    【Marketing齋吹水?】CityU BBA Marketing收分、出路 - Flowclass

    2) 面試方式、問題 師姐分享:Marketing 面試以小組討論為主,首先是一至兩分鐘的自我介紹,之後會問你想入讀 Marketing 的原因,然後用情景題去詢問,測試你的能力,建議同學多留意市場學的新聞和資訊,會很有幫助。

    城大收生主任揭大學面試秘技 小組討論3個扣分位如何禮貌地插嘴?

    城大市場營銷(JS1007)面試. Alex亦為大家拆解CityU Marketing的面試內容,主要分為兩部分: 【1】90秒自我介紹. 自我介紹只得一分半鐘時間,Alex提醒要盡量展現自己的性格與Marketing人才哪方面的特質相符。

    Department of Marketing | City University of Hong Kong

    Thomas Yeung "At CityU BBA Marketing, I am fully alive to the practical opportunities that the department provides to students. Along with the practical opportunities to address real business issues, BBA Marketing offers a platform for me to develop my potential and innovation by participating in varieties of case competitions.

    BBA Marketing - City University of Hong Kong - JUPAS

    CityU BBA Marketing stands out from other BBA and Marketing programmes by providing a pioneering approach that consists of: i-Marketing +. The "i" element of our programme refers to INTERACTIVE, INTERNATIONAL and INTERLLIGENCE. With its discovery-enriched curriculum design, students in CityU Marketing interact and connect with world-class ...

    人人都啱讀CityU Marketing?|Jupas選科 101

    有興趣報讀CityU BBA Marketing的同學應多留意新聞,培養時事觸覺、聯想力、批判思考力,不然屆時便會「揦手唔成勢」! 個人面試 跟小組面試相反,個人面試不但全程使用英文對答,考官更會於同學答題期間主動「插口」,打亂同學的思維,以進一步測試其應變 ...