Latvia | International Organization for Migration

    2024-09-20 12:36

    Latvia first signed an observer agreement in 1994 and joined the International Organization for Migration in 1999 as a full member state. There is no country in the world that is not subject to international migration flows. Each country is either the country of origin, transit, the country of destination or all three at the same time.

    Latvia | International Organization for Migration

    Residence Permit | Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde -

    Residence Permit. Published: 10.10.2020. Updated: 04.04.2024. A residence permit is a document providing a foreigner the rights to reside in the Republic of Latvia for a definite period of time (a temporary residence permit) or permanently (a permanent residence permit). What are the cases a residence permit is necessary? A residence permit is ...

    Moving to Latvia - How to Immigrate to Latvia? - VisaGuide.World

    A Latvia work visa is a national visa that is often issued alongside a work permit and a residence permit. Before arriving in Latvia, you must apply for a temporary residence permit at the Latvian embassy. After entering the country, you must register with the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA). The length of stay is up to five ...

    Immigrate to Latvia - Immigration Services & Residence Permits (ISRP)

    If you already have a valid Schengen visa then you can use this to travel to Latvia. Residence permit acquisition in Latvia provides a number of benefits. For example 1) right to employment 2) right to engage in a business activity 3) opportunity to travel across Schengen Area visa-free. We provide Indians with immigration and visa services in ...

    Visa Information - VFS Global


    Latvia | International Migration Outlook 2020 | OECD iLibrary

    Main countries of birth: 13% of the population. Russia (49%), Belarus (18%), Ukraine (13%) Evolution since 2009: -26%. In 2018, 6 200 new immigrants obtained a residence permit longer than 12 months in Latvia (excluding EU citizens), 42% more than in 2017. This figure comprises 44.3% labour migrants, 20.5% family members (including accompanying ...

    Latvia - Golden Visa - Residency by Investment

    Introduced in 2010, Latvia's dynamic Investment Residency Program efficiently addressed economic challenges from 2007-2009. Five years post-launch, it successfully infused over EUR 1.3 billion, catalyzing transformative growth in Latvia's economy. Latvia's Golden Visa program grants investors visa-free Schengen access, the option to open a ...

    Latvia | International Migration Outlook 2023 | OECD iLibrary

    Latvia. In 2021, 5 300 new immigrants obtained a residence permit longer than 12 months in Latvia (excluding EU citizens), 55.2% more than in 2020. This figure comprises 50.6% labour migrants, 20.8% family members (including accompanying family), 19.7% who came for education reasons and 9% other migrants.

    移民Latvia并获得,| Residencies.IO

    从受控外国公司(cfc)中获得的收入按23%的税率缴纳个人所得税。. 若某个拉脱维亚纳税居民在某个外国公司中持有至少25%的股本、股票或投票权,那么该外国公司即被视为受控外国公司。. 房产税根据土地和建筑的地籍价值按1.5%的税率进行征税。. 住宅房产的 ...

    Latvia - European Commission

    Asylum Law, 17 December 2015 (Asylum Law). Cabinet Regulation No. 675 'Procedures for EU citizens and their family members traveling to and staying in the Latvian Republic', 30 August 2011. Law on EU Long-term Resident Status in the Republic of Latvia, 22 June 2006 (Law on EU Long-term Resident Status).

    Document list | Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde -

    foreigners located in Latvia can: submit electronically, confirming each document with a secure electronic signature; or. send by post as an ordinary, non-registered item, presenting in the application documents their e-mail address and telephone number for communication. foreigners, who stay abroad of Latvia, can submit the documents ...

    Governance of migrant integration in Latvia

    The integration of migrants in Latvia is underpinned by the principle of inclusive participation, as well as other priorities related to the acquisition of country-specific knowledge about national identity and language. The country's integration strategies aim to instill trust and ensure solidarity and cooperation.

    PDF European Migration Network LATVIA 2021 - Migration and Home Affairs

    persons residing wi. into force.MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENTOn 14 April 2021, the Development Cooperation Policy. uidelines for 2021-2027 were approved. They noted that Latvia's development cooperation policy was implemented in coordination with security, migration and trade policies, with synergies also sought with external economi.

    Emigrant Communities of Latvia | Migration ⇄ LV

    By now, the project produced detailed profiles of Latvian emigrant communities in main destination countries and substantially improved understanding of emigration trends, emigrant's everyday life, their needs, hopes and future plans. In our work, we combine qualitative methods (190 in-depth interviews and focus group discussions) and a large ...

    Migrācija ⇄ LV

    Mūsu mērķis ir nodrošināt vispusīgu un ticamu integrācijas konteksta Latvijā novērtējumu dažādās jomās. Labklājība un integrācija migrācijas kontekstā. Mūsu aktuālais pētījums, pie kura strādājam no 2018. gada. Uzmanības centrā ir jaunās migrācijas formas, labklājība, veselība un integrācija vietējās kopienās.

    拉脫維亞 - 德成移民顧問有限公司

    拉脫維亞投資移民獲 歐盟護照. 拉脫維亞是歐盟及神根公約成員國之一。. 現時,個人投資者及企業只須在當地投放資本,即可以獲得拉脫維亞政府發出居留權。. 由2010年的7月起,拉脫維亞政府為吸引外來投資,放寛了對外地投資者及商人的入境政策,他們只要 ...

    拉脱维亚 | 迁移 | Ceic

    拉脱维亚 外迁移民. 外迁移民在12-01-2017达17,724.000人,相较于12-01-2016的20,574.000人有所下降。. 外迁移民数据按年更新,12-01-1991至12-01-2017期间平均值为20,167.000人,共27份观测结果。. 该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-1992,达59,673.000人,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-1999 ...

    拉脫維亞 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    政治體制上,拉脫維亞是一個民主 議會共和制 國家,於1918年建國,以 里加 為首都;而作為 單一制 國家,自2021年7月起拉脫維亞 全國分為43個行政區域 ,包括7个国家级城市和36个市镇 [8] 。. 在語言上,拉脫維亞以僅存的兩個 波羅的語族 語言之一—— 拉脫維 ...

    About us | Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde -

    Published: 14.09.2020. The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs is a state institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Latvia and is responsible for issue of identity documents and travel documents, maintenance of the Population Register, implementation of state migration policy, including development and ...

    移民到歐盟 - 拉脫維亞投資居留計劃

    拉脫維亞(Latvia) 是歐盟(European Union) 及神根公約(Schengen Agreement) 成員國之一。. 現時,個人投資者及企業定只須在當地投放資本,即可以獲得拉脫維亞政府發出居留權。. 自2010年的7月起,拉脫維亞共和國的政府為吸引外來投資,放寛了對外地投資者及商人的入境 ...

    Visas and invitations | Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde

    If the purpose of entry is employment, visa may be requested only at the embassy or consulate of Latvia. In cases justified by the interests of Latvian state, force majeure or humanitarian considerations foreigners can apply for single-entry individual transit visas and short-term visas at the state border control points of the Republic of Latvia.

    俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭時間軸 (2024年6月) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    美國《彭博社》不具名歐洲官員消息報道,俄羅斯為了增加在哈爾科夫州的額外人力,強迫數千名移民和外國留學生加入俄軍並對烏克蘭作戰,除非同意參軍,否則不會延長他們在俄羅斯的簽證。 6月10日

    Foreigner eID card | Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde

    About us. Structure; Management; History Information on the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs after the restoration of Latvia's independence, its functions and the necessity of migration policy.; Areas of activity Information on the functions performed by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs - migration policy, asylum policy, repatriation policy, issuance of identity and ...