特快專遞 - 產品及服務 - Hongkong Post

    2024-09-20 08:58

    特快專遞服務. 覆蓋範圍遍及全球,急件最快可於投寄後下一個工作天前送達世界主要城市. 2-5個工作天. 全球主要目的地. 30公斤. 特快專遞「萬用箱優惠」. 四款不同容量的萬用箱(5公斤、10公斤、20公斤和30公斤),切合不同投寄需要,節省運費高達30%。. 2-5個 ...

    speedpost 保險

    特快專遞 - 全世界 - Hongkong Post

    特快專遞 - 全世界. 恢復寄往智利、摩洛哥及巴基斯坦的特快專遞服務. 由於空郵運載力逐漸增加,以及其他郵政機關協助轉運郵件,香港郵政於六月二十七日起恢復寄往智利、摩洛哥及巴基斯坦的特快專遞服務。. 詳情請參閱 最新消息 。. 寄往加拿大的特快專遞 ...

    香港郵政 Hongkong Post

    詳情請 按此 。. "特快專遞"(Speedpost)是香港郵政自1973年起提供的速遞服務,其派遞網絡覆蓋全球,服務以方便、可靠、物有所值和無遠弗屆見稱,多年來為眾多中小企服務。. "特快專遞"竭誠助您業務增長,履行速遞商機的使命。. 請查閱"特快專遞"的 ...

    香港郵政 - 保險信件/包裹

    保險信件只可於港島的 郵政總局 、 九龍中央郵政局 或 尖沙咀郵政局 投寄,而保險包裹則可於任何一間郵局投寄。. 寄件人須把擬投保的郵件送交郵局櫃位,然後取回投寄郵件證明書。負責收件的郵局職員如認為郵件不符合包裝及封口規定,即有責任拒絕投保。

    香港郵政 Hongkong Post

    Speedpost has been a courier service provided by Hongkong Post since 1973, with a delivery network to worldwide destinations. Renowned for its convenience, reliability, value for money and global coverage, Speedpost has assisted countless small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with their business development over the years. Speedpost strives to ...

    特快專遞 - 計算郵費及派遞時間 - Hongkong Post

    計算郵費及派遞時間. 特快專遞提供多種服務讓你選擇。. 如欲計算郵費和查詢派遞標準,請在以下輸入所需資料,然後按「送出」。. 請注意,郵費按每件貨件的重量計算(「貨運服務」除外)。. 1. 目的地*. 2. 急件類型*. 3.

    GovHK 香港政府一站通:我的特快專遞

    申請「特快專遞」帳戶手續簡單,只需填妥並遞交服務申請表格及相關文件作批核,詳情可瀏覽以下網頁:. 申請成為「特快專遞」帳戶客戶. 「我的特快專遞」主要服務特色包括:. 預先準備及列印投寄表格. 儲存投寄表格資料,以便日後使用和參考. 「批次上載 ...

    GovHK: My Speedpost - 香港政府一站通

    "My Speedpost" is a designated online platform tailor-made for Speedpost account customers to prepare and print posting forms, track delivery status of posting items, arrange pick-up, order packaging supplies and manage their posting records. It is easy to open a Speedpost account. Simply submit a completed Service Application Form to ...

    華興保險 | 美國最大華人保險經紀,一站式優質保險服務

    我被華興保險的口號 "對您的關心永不打烊" 而吸引來。 哈崗的Allie專業又快速的分析各保險公司的優缺點,讓我選出最合適我的保險公司。 之後數次遇有疑問時都火速代為解釋並處理,解決我的困難。

    What is "My Speedpost"?

    My Speedpost aims to provide fast and convenient online services for Speedpost account customers with a "Speedpost Online Account". Via My Speedpost, registered account can enjoy a bundle of value-added services such as viewing the electronic monthly statement / posting record, preparing the online posting forms, ordering pick-up service ...

    香港邮政 - 特快专递

    详情请 按此 。. "特快专递"(Speedpost)是香港邮政自1973年起提供的速递服务,其派递网络覆盖全球,服务以方便、可靠、物有所值和无远弗届见称,多年来为众多中小企服务。. "特快专递"竭诚助您业务增长,履行速递商机的使命。. 请查阅"特快专递"的 ...


    設有附加保險服務(寄往墨西哥及南非郵件除外),保險費劃一為港幣 10.5 元,保額最高為港幣 5,000 元。 (2) 特快專遞(標準及萬用箱服務)郵件: 設有附加保險服務,保險費和條款與投寄一般特快專遞(標準及萬用箱服務)郵件相同。 (3) 空郵/平郵掛號郵件

    Speedpost - Delivers the World

    Starting from 27 June, the maximum weight limit for Speedpost items sent to Canada will be revised to 30 kg. To speed up the customs clearance process, senders are encouraged to submit electronic customs declaration when sending both documents and goods to all destinations. Recently, many customers have made enquiries about arrangements for the ...



    Speedpost introduces insurance protection - South China Morning Post

    Speedpost, Hong Kong Post's international courier arm, has introduced a service where packages can be insured at a value of up to $50,000. Since the start of this month, people have been able to ...

    speedpost報關表格 - 海外留學 - 教育王國

    請問寄speedpost是否把1.5頁紙print出後全部貼在箱面便可?. 我之前一直都係寄E express,網上報關表格只是半版A4紙,但原來speedpost報關print出嚟嘅內容唔同,共有一 ... 其實我覺得去郵局俾個QR code佢print label貼上去,真係好方便。. 其實我覺得去郵局俾個QR code佢print ...

    法國EMS / SPEED POST 服務 - 自由報料 - Baby Kingdom - 親子王國 香港 討論區

    想請教吓各位, 有人知道佢地(當地)的英文網站, 或者聯係電話嗎? 謝謝. ,Baby Kingdom - 親子王國 香港 討論區

    Hongkong Post - My Speedpost - 香港郵政

    Brief Introduction "My Speedpost" is a an online platform that streamline posting process for Speedpost account customers, helping them prepare posting forms, track mail delivery status, arrange online pick-up, order packing materials and manage posting records anywhere and anytime through their personal computers or smart phones.

    J SPEED AUTOWORKS - Updated June 2024 - Yelp

    125 reviews and 13 photos of J SPEED AUTOWORKS "We've been going to Jimmy to smog each of our cars for the past few years. We find Jimmy to be courteous and friendly. We once brought in our car for a minor repair that we couldn't do ourselves because we just didn't have the tools. Jimmy fixed it right away at no charge. We no longer search the paper for smog coupons - we rather give our ...

    特快專遞 - 標準服務 - Hongkong Post

    特快專遞服務. 寄件人投寄內載貨品的各類郵件往印度尼西亞 (二 二三年十一月六日起生效)、澳洲、巴西、約旦、韓國、挪威、瑞士、歐盟27個成員國*、內地、英國及美國前,必須提交電子報關資料。. 詳情請 按此 。. 寄件人需提供可收取短訊的本地手提 ...

    California Spousal Support Calculator - Cristin Lowe Law

    Alameda and Contra Costa counties have adopted the "Alameda Guideline" formula. The guideline states that the paying spouse's support be presumptively 40% of his or her net monthly income, reduced by one-half of the receiving spouse's net monthly income. If child support is an issue, spousal support is calculated after child support is ...

    特快專遞 - 聯絡我們 - Hongkong Post

    星期日及公眾假期休息. 香港郵政特快專遞及本地郵政速遞開戶熱線使用簡介. 2921 2277. 2854 9623. 預約上門收件、訂購萬用箱. 辦公時間 : 星期一至六:09:00 - 18:00. 星期日及公眾假期休息. 2921 2266.

    [美國加州-駕照] 這一次我向命運低頭:加州路考/詳細流程分享/考場推薦/Santa Clara DMV/Fremont DMV

    3.路考考試流程&注意事項. (1)帶著文件,時間到去DMV櫃檯報到. 一個有合法加州駕照的"成人"陪同 (他要帶駕照) 帶著你的instruction permit(考完路考給你的那疊)、車子保險資料、車子的registration. 注意:車子保險資料和車子的registration 要在有效期間內呀,有 ...