Recruitment Talks | Student Affairs Office - The Hong Kong Polytechnic ...

    2024-10-21 12:37

    Participation in recruitment talks requires prior registration which can be done via POSS. See registration procedure. In order to get the most out of a recruitment talk, students are advised to gather more information about the post and the company beforehand and be well prepared. Please see below the tips. See upcoming recruitment talks.

    Recruitment Talks | Student Affairs Office - The Hong Kong Polytechnic ...

    [Syu] 樹仁大學討論區 (2) | Lihkg 討論區

    學生團體介紹 HKSYUSU : 樹仁學生會,代表樹仁學生,獨立於校方,奉行「學生民主自治」精神嘅組織,為樹仁學生爭取權利。. 辦公室位於文康H204,提供列印、電腦使用,會員休憩區及福利品發售等服務,SU一般是指幹事會 (ExCo)。. 過去多年都會舉辦大O,交流團 ...

    Big 4 recruitment talk - 樹仁大學 - 香港討論區 - 香討.香港 No.1

    點解除了EY之外,其餘big 3都冇係樹仁舉辦recruitment talk ? 香港討論區

    保誠保險PRUVenture計劃 全力「孵化」4,000精英 盡展事業優勢達雙贏 - JUMP 求職增值

    保誠保險首席業務總監蔡川艾表示,PRUVenture是一項專為精英打造的培育計劃,通過個性化培訓,全方位幫助新人建立穩健基礎,逐步邁向成功之路。 「今年我們銳意招募4,000人,目標對象除了包括具備管理經驗的專業人士、『高才通』外,應屆畢業生亦是我們的 ...

    報銀行MT:去Recruitment talk是否浪費時間? - 優越工作情報網

    這些在recruitment talk聽到的資料就會變得好有用。試想像100個人面試,99個都會上網了解那間公司,講的東西自然是差不多。若你能講符深入一點,引用recruitment talk某某HR或現任MT講過的東西,一方面可以比人覺得你好有誠意,二來亦會覺得你更了解這間公司。

    樹仁第四十五及四十六屆共2119名畢業生 迎難而上 - Shue Yan Newsletter

    樹仁第四十五及四十六屆共2119名畢業生 迎難而上. 香港樹仁大學第四十五及四十六屆畢業禮,於2020年11月23日至12月1日,在大學校園邵美珍堂舉行。. 兩屆合計共有2,119名畢業生,分別獲頒授博士學位、碩士學位和榮譽學士學位,其中2019年有1,171人,2020年佔948人。.

    樹仁大學在 2021 年 Q S 亞洲大學排名 中躍升 - Shue Yan Newsletter


    主頁 | HKSYU - Hong Kong Shue Yan University

    仁大輔心系與武漢大學合作共建三間實習基地 提供專業臨床實習機會及學術研究. 為加強內地與香港教育合作交流,以及滿足同學的學習需要,香港樹仁大學分別與武漢大學第二臨床學院及護理學院,及武漢七彩星華教育科技有限公司簽署協議書,於2023年11月底起,合作共建三間實習基地,分別命名 ...

    Sign Up - Talk Recruitment

    Register with Talk. Register for work or sign up as a centre or school. It's free and takes 2-3min. I'm looking for work. I'm a centre or school ...

    Contact Us - Talk Recruitment

    Register with Talk. Home Relief Teachers PD & Learning Work Abroad Job Board Shop. Insights Permanent Work Talk Team Shop Sign Up Contact Us. Back Home. Hey! We are to here to help you every step of the way. EMAIL. [email protected]. Phone. Call your Area Manager if you have any questions.

    香港樹仁大學網上報名系統 - Hong Kong Shue Yan University

    歡迎網上報名香港樹仁大學課程. 有關最新招生及課程資訊,請瀏覽 仁大招生處網站. 內地高考生之申請期為2024年2月至5月. 第一輪社會工作 (榮譽)學士課程申請已於5月20日截止。. 未成功於5月27日或之前繳付申請費之申請將視為無效並不獲面試機會。. 社會工作 ...

    Counselling and Psychology - Hong Kong Shue Yan University

    Postgraduate Programmes in Counselling and Psychology - Professional Talk & Information Session; Enhancing Resiliency in Children and Practitioners: Play Therapy Practice, Education and Research ... Cue recruitment in active control of a moving line. Perception (Supplementary), v.36, ECVP Abstract Supplement. Li, W. O., Khuu, S. K., & Hayes, A ...

    Career Activities | Student Affairs Office

    Recruitment Talk is a good platform for students to learn more about an industry as well as to meet prospective employers. Career Planning and Development team of Student Affairs Office invites local and international corporations from diverse industries to stage recruitment/career talks on/off campus all year round, providing HSUHK students with opportunities to understand potential careers ...

    「Year 3 不得不知既Recruitment Talk FastTrack機會 ... - Facebook

    「Year 3 不得不知既Recruitment Talk FastTrack機會」 以往如果同學仔問我地意見:應唔應該去不同公司既Recruitment Talk,我地多數都建議同學如果忙的話唔洗出席,因為一年大大話話有幾百間公司的talk , 如果個個talk 都去,不如將時間投資係Job...

    Recruitment Talks and Career Events | Student Affairs Office

    Recruitment Talks and Career Events. CPS, SAO organises recruitment talks, career fairs, and other career events for PolyU students, during which they could meet potential employers, explore job opportunities, and build network. See upcoming recruitment talks and career events.

    Recruitment Talks | CityU E-Career Success Fair 2022 (Autumn Fair)

    Recruitment Talk by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) 12:00 PM-1:00 PM More Register. Recruitment Talk by Hong Kong Productivity Council. 1:00 PM-2:00 PM More Register. Recruitment Talk by Jardine Matheson. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM ...

    HKU Virtual Campus Recruitment Platform | HKU CEDARS-CP

    This new and interactive virtual campus recruitment platform assembles employer recruitment talks, events, themed mini fairs and annual career fair. Students and graduates are able to attend talks, meet employers and surf on the platform to launch job applications and go further on the employer recruitment process through this new platform.

    Career and Recruitment Talks - City University of Hong Kong

    Request for Recruitment Talk - [your company name] Request for Career Talk - [your company name] Insurance companies are advised to place their requests via their corporate administrative office (e.g. Human Resources Office) which will serve as the main channel for organizing related recruitment talks.

    Registration Form of Online Recruitment Talk - The Hong Kong ...

    The Careers and Placement Section, Student Affairs Office cordially invite your company in conducting online recruitment talks to PolyU students. We aim at helping employers to identify and recruit talents. Interested employers please kindly complete the following registration form of recruitment talk for our planning.

    樹仁大學招生事務處 - Hong Kong Shue Yan University

    走馬栽花:仁大為馬來西亞學生帶來優質海外升學選擇. 香港樹仁大學於2024年開辦了全港首個大學先修課程證書International Foundation Year Programme(簡稱IFYP)。. 該課程旨在為海外中學生提供升學機會,使香港成為亞洲海外升學的最佳選擇之一。.

    Recruitment Talks - Undergraduate Programs - HKUST

    Recruitment Talks. Corporations speak about their company, graduate and internship opportunities, as well as the talent they are looking for. This is an excellent opportunity for you to network with organizations and discover career paths you may not have known about. Recruitment talk by savills. Recruitment talk by AVISTA Group [Mar 15, 2023 ...

    Recruitment Talk - Hong Kong Baptist University

    We require at least 10 business days to support the booking logistics for a recruitment talk, to ensure venue and audio-visual support, and to maximize exposure through our promotional channels. Top. Career Centre. OFFICE Address: WLB 402, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus.