Consumers Make a Difference in Standards Development: Register for ANSI ...

    2024-09-21 14:29

    Consumers are critical to improving the safety of products—from toys to household appliances—that we all rely on, every day! Find out how consumers can make a difference in standards development in the American National Standards Institute's (ANSI) free Consumer Safety Central Webinar on August 6, at 4:30-5:30 p.m. ET.. The webinar is part of a series of Consumer Safety Central webinars ...

    Consumers Make a Difference in Standards Development: Register for ANSI ...

    香港地產界"Icac" 為消費者保駕護航 - 樓市資訊 | 美聯物業

    香港地產界"ICAC" 為消費者保駕護航. 香港是一個令人住得放心的城市。. 在香港生活,你半夜上街不必擔驚受怕,購買食品亦無須憂心品質,這得益於香港經濟、治安、法制的高度發達。. 但在1974年廉政公署(ICAC)成立之前,香港並不像如今這麼令人放心 ...

    偷雞出租|2023年廉署連捉多人扮自住、呃按保 判囚8個月起 - Finance730

    廉政公署(icac)近年多次檢控承造高成數按揭的業主違法出租物業,涉事者包括地產代理、保險代理及消防員等。 其中一宗的案情指1名前地產代理偽稱1個單位屬自住物業,詐騙金融機構合計在2016年批出約490萬元貸款,法官指案情嚴重,須判處阻嚇性刑罰,判囚16個月及充公被告犯罪得益逾107萬元。

    The 8th ICAC Symposium, Hong Kong

    Commissioner's Message. As Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong and President of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA), I am both honoured and delighted to invite you to the 8th ICAC Symposium, which is co-hosted by the ICAC and the IAACA in Hong Kong from May 22 to 24, 2024.

    ICAC, HKSAR - The ICAC Ordinance

    The ICACO mainly vests the ICAC with law enforcement powers such as: Power of arrest, detention and granting bail; Power of search and seizure; Power of handling any other offence disclosed during the corruption investigation process (for details, please refer to section 10(5) of the ICACO in the Text of the Law); Text of ICAC Ordinance (Cap. 204)

    防貪諮詢服務 - 防貪建議 - Icac

    該地產代理向賣方索取利益(即該筆報酬),以作為他協助賣方向買方爭取較高成交價的報酬。由於該地產代理並沒有獲得其僱主(即地產代理公司)的許可而索取/收受這些利益,他觸犯了《防止賄賂條例》第9(1)條。 而賣方在這情況下提供利益,則違犯了《防止賄賂條例》第9(2)條。

    防貪諮詢服務 - 防貪建議 - Icac


    ICAC chief, as President of IAACA, announces Hong Kong Declaration for ...

    The 8th ICAC Symposium co-hosted by the ICAC and the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) concluded today (May 24). In the closing ceremony, the ICAC Commissioner, Mr Woo Ying-ming, in his capacity of President of the IAACA, announced the adoption of the "Hong Kong Declaration on Strengthening International ...

    NT ICAC commissioner did not improperly offer money to suppress DV ...

    ICAC Commissioner Michael Riches was last week referred to the watchdog's inspector by NT Chief Minister Eva Lawler. It came after legal documents showed he agreed to pay his wife, ...

    Hidden predators in schools: How to battle rising crimes against kids

    ICAC is no different. You know, it's a very expensive endeavor with the digital forensics overwhelming amount of work. Also, more investigators and more funding is the biggest key," said Sgt ...

    Kiama councillors deny inappropriate conduct after ICAC referral

    The referral came just three months out from the NSW local government elections. Cr Renkema-Lang said she was reminded of comments made by the ICAC commissioner John Hatzsistergos in the lead up ...

    【ICAC】內地女廉署見工公開5大面試流程 1部分最難通過兼要查三代 - 香港經濟日報 - TOPick - 親子 - 親子資訊

    5. 品格審查. 如上述的測試全部通過後,便要通過廉署的品格審查,即是「查三代」,內地女指有阿Sir透露,自己做了4年助理廉玫主任,在升為主任的時候,當局也會綜合考慮其家人的職業,確保他跟各行各業、各種學歷的人溝通交流的能力才行。. 內地女又指 ...

    廉政公署開放日|8月體驗廉署咖啡 ICAC搶門票進場攻略 - 香港經濟日報 - TOPick - 新聞 - 社會


    近期的廉署案例 (商界) | 誠信焦點 | 香港商業 ... - Icac

    近期的廉署案例 (商界) 2024年6月 電訊公司前經理隱瞞母親為供應商詐騙僱主1,600萬港元遭廉署起訴判囚40個月 一名被廉政公署落案起訴的電訊公司前經理,隱瞞利益衝突,詐騙該電訊公司向被告母親擁有的供應商,批出總值逾3,000萬港元的採購訂單,並支付服務 ...

    Learn how to refer cases to the ICAC Data System, a platform for child exploitation investigations.

    香港特別行政區廉政公署主頁 - Icac

    香港特別行政區廉政公署主頁 - ICAC ... 主頁

    廉署起訴地產代理涉虛報物業屬自住 騙滙豐等公司490萬按揭貸款


    預算案︱香港要更多賺錢景點? 團結香港基金倡ICAC旁開Cafe吸內地客 | 星島日報

    團結香港基金倡ICAC旁開Cafe吸引內地客打卡。 資料圖片 《財政預算案》將於本月28日公布,團結香港基金向政府提出一系列有關振興旅遊及零售業的建議,包括用最簡單的「派錢」方式吸引旅客過夜;並與內地商討「一周一行」或增加返回內地免稅額等相關政策 ...

    防貪諮詢服務 - 防貪建議 - Icac

    地產代理公司B的東主得悉有關潛在交易,並要求該名地產代理將買家轉介給他的公司。. 他向該名地產代理表示,若交易成功,便會向其提供交易所得佣金的一部分以作為該業務轉介的報酬。. 地產代理公司A不容許員工就公司業務收受任何利益或轉介公司客戶予 ...

    旅英台女遇電騙損失近60萬 假公安向受害人出示「香港icac」文件 | 星島日報

    旅英台女遇電騙損失近60萬 假公安向受害人出示「香港ICAC」文件. 詐騙犯罪猖獗。. 英國11至12日舉行首屆「全球詐騙峰會」(Global Fraud Summit),與會各國就強化執法機關及公私部門跨國打詐合作達成共識。. 中央社報道,英國內政部指出,詐騙是全球問題;英國 ...

    Crimes Against Children Conference - DCAC - Providing Justice and ...

    The conference is presented annually by the Dallas Children's Advocacy Center. The conference is conducted to provide training to those employed by government or nonprofit agencies in the fields of law enforcement, child protective services, social work, children's advocacy, therapy, and medicine who work directly with child victims of crime.

    Registration - Crimes Against Children Conference

    Registration for the 36th Annual Crimes Against Children Conference is now open! Click here to register! 2024-DCAC-Signed-W9 Download.

    Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) - Dallas Police Department

    Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) 1400 Botham Jean Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75215. Phone: 214-671-4200. The Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) is responsible for all technology-facilitated sexual abuse and exploitation of children. The ICAC squad is part of the Federal ICAC Program. This squad's investigations include but are not limited ...

    香港特別行政區廉政公署 - 舉報途徑 - Icac

    如欲舉報貪污,請使用以下途徑。. 親身舉報. 請到24小時 舉報中心. 香港北角渣華道303號廉政公署 - Google地圖. 廉政公署大樓位置圖 放大. 廉政公署分區辦事處. 電話舉報. 25 266 366 (24小時熱線). 投函舉報.

    Crimes Against Children Conference - Dallas Children's Advocacy Center

    Dallas Children's Advocacy Center. 5351 Samuell Blvd. Dallas, TX 75228. Phone: 214-818-2600. If you know or suspect that a child is being abused, please contact Child Protective Services at 800-252-5400. You may also make a report online at or call 911.

    廉政公署聘調查主任起薪$4.9萬 一文看清體能要求及應徵貼士

    體能測試需取得至少12分. 據廉署網頁顯示,體能測試包括一分鐘掌上壓、一分鐘仰卧起坐、手握力測試,及15米漸進式心肺耐力跑,按成績獲0至9分不等,總分不能低於12分。


    首先,您有兩種選擇——創辦一家公司,或成為獨資經營者,即獨立房地產經紀。. 不管哪一種選擇,您都必須在開始經營之前,向 地產代理監管局 (EAA) 申請房地產執照。. 地產代理監管局是香港政府的法定機構,負責規範地產代理、提升地產代理從業人員 ...