Tommy Tong | Herbert Smith Freehills | Global law firm

    2024-11-13 18:04

    Hong Kong. Tommy specialises in corporate law with a focus on M&A. Tommy advises multinational and domestic Chinese corporates, financial institutions and private equity firms on a wide range of mergers and acquisitions transactions, including public takeovers, private investments, cross-border acquisitions and joint ventures.

    tommy tong律師

    【尋人】有無人識呢條西裝友 | Lihkg 討論區

    係Landmark樓上做律師. ... Tommy Tong | Herbert Smith Freehills | Global law firm 唐律师的主要执业领域为公司法,擅长并购业务。 +852 21014151. +852 21014151. Email. Tommy.Tong@hsf. com. vCard. +852 21014151. Tommy[email protected]. Share. Share. Hide Share Links.