Criminal 刑事支援 | 法律支援熱線 - Hklse

    2024-09-21 05:39

    安排律師一小時內抵達各區警署,陪同客戶錄口供及處理保釋。 刑事辯護或認罪求情。 高等法院申請保釋 High Court Bail。 案發現場勘察 Site Visit。到各監獄或羈留所作法律探訪 legal visit。 Criminal Case is our expertise.

    Criminal 刑事支援 | 法律支援熱線 - Hklse

    Eric Seto Partner - ICAC & SFC Criminal Investigation Lawyer | MCS

    該項申請可以在該人士被檢控前提出。 司徒律師曾成功替他的客戶從廉署取回旅遊証件。 司徒律師也曾協助被廉署根據《防止賄賂條例》第14條要求提交有關物業資料的陳述書 (Statutory Declaration)的客戶。

    Eric Seto Partner - ICAC & SFC Criminal Investigation Lawyer | MCS

    He was a trainee at a leading criminal law firm and was admitted to their partnership in 2008. In August 2014, he set up Morley Chow Seto with Mr. Christopher Morley and Ms. Anita Chow. Eric has defended clients in a wide array of criminal offences ranging from relatively minor offences such as loitering to more serious offences such as rape.

    ICAC Investigations and Trials | Liberty Chambers


    廉政公署 | 賄賂和貪污, 串謀詐騙律師 | Mcs

    廉政公署 (ICAC) 廉政公署於一九七四年成立,具有廣泛的調查權力。《防止賄賂條例》(第201章)及《廉政公署條例》(第204章)闡述廉政公署調查的權力和范圍。廉政公署關注的罪行主要是公營機構和私營機構的貪污情況,其中最重要的是禁止索取或接受(或作出索取或接受的提議)未獲授權的 ...

    3. 被廉署人員拘捕後,通常會怎樣?在扣留及查問期間,被捕人士可享有甚麼權利?

    被廉署人員拘捕後,通常會怎樣?. 在扣留及查問期間,被捕人士可享有甚麼權利?. 扣留. 被廉署拘捕的人,可被帶到警署並根據《 警隊條例 》處理。. 被捕人亦可被帶到廉署辦公室。. 如果高級廉政主任或更高職級的廉署人員認為,被帶到廉署的被捕人需要被 ...

    24 Legal Service

    法律團隊還可提供以下的法律服務,包括: -陪同錄取口供 (落口供)、於海關保釋、ICAC保釋、入境處保釋或各執法部門申請保釋. -認人行列手續 (ID parade) -法庭保釋. -高等法院申請保釋 (High Court Bail) -協助搜集辯方證據. -尋找辯方證人. -案發現場勘察 (Site ...

    ICAC safeguards anti-corruption achievements, advances towards new ...

    The following press release is issued on behalf of the Independent Commission Against Corruption: ***** The ICAC noted in its latest annual report issued today (July 10) that 2023 was "a year of fruitful endeavours and accomplishments" as the Commission advanced towards its golden jubilee. The ICAC sought to safeguard the remarkable achievements made in the past 50 years in combating ...

    香港特別行政區廉政公署 - 新聞公佈 - 三名保險代理遭廉署起訴串謀詐騙佣金及「洗黑錢」270萬元判囚12至35個月

    廉政公署早前落案起訴三名前保險代理人,訛稱四份保單由另一名保險代理人經辦,串謀詐騙一間保險公司佣金及獎金共約120萬元,並串謀處理犯罪得益逾270萬元。. 三人今日 (3月25日)在區域法院被判囚12至35個月。. 李宗興,安盛金融有限公司 (安盛)前助理分行 ...

    ICAC, HKSAR - The ICAC Ordinance

    Understanding the Ordinance: The ICACO mainly vests the ICAC with law enforcement powers such as: Power of arrest, detention and granting bail. Power of search and seizure. Power of handling any other offence disclosed during the corruption investigation process (for details, please refer to section 10 (5) of the ICACO in the Text of the Law)

    香港特別行政區廉政公署主頁 - Icac

    社交媒體專頁 YouTube ICAC Channel 香港廉政公署 Hong Kong ICAC 香港廉政公署 Hong Kong ICAC 廉署微博 ICAC Weibo 廉署微訊 ICAC WeChat HKBEDC LinkedIn

    法律程序|警署保釋|ICAC保釋|入境處保釋|海關保釋|法庭保釋|刑事審訊|認罪求情 - 24 Legal Service

    保釋是提法庭基於被告人承諾在法庭指定的日期歸押而將該人從羈留中釋放的法律程序。. (i) 不按照法庭的指定歸押. (ii) 在保釋期間犯罪. (iii) 干擾證人或破壞或妨礙司法公正等原因,法庭須命令被告人獲准保釋。. 法庭可規定被告人遵守以下一項或多於一項的 ...

    近期的廉署案例 (商界) | 誠信焦點 | 香港商業 ... - Icac

    近期的廉署案例 (商界) 2024年7月 遭廉署起訴殯儀經紀行賄離世長者教友爭取代辦身後事罪成候判 廉政公署早前落案起訴一名殯儀經紀,控告他以3,000元行賄一名離世長者的教友,以獲取為該名長者辦理身後事的生意。. 被告今日 (7月4日)在九龍城裁判法院被裁定 ...

    Kiama councillors deny inappropriate conduct after ICAC referral

    A NSW councillor suggests her referral to the Independent Commission Against Corruption could be politically motivated ahead of local government elections.

    李國輔大律師 - 黃敏杰資深大律師辦事處

    認許 香港(獲認許為執業大律師) 2006

    Southern District of Indiana - United States Department of Justice

    This investigation was conducted by the Indiana Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force, a multiagency task force led by the Indiana State Police that investigates and prosecutes persons who use the internet to sexually exploit or entice children. Each year, Indiana ICAC investigators evaluate thousands of tips, investigate hundreds ...

    Omaha Man Sentenced to 120 Months' Imprisonment for Distribution and ...

    Nebraska ICAC investigators received another CyberTipline report on August 25, 2022, noting the upload of four image and video files depicting child pornography from Kik on June 29, 2022. Investigators determined that the same suspect IP was assigned to Schenkelberg's residential address in Sarpy County, Nebraska.

    Kootenai County Man Arrested for Distributing Child Pornography and ...

    [BOISE] - Attorney General Raúl Labrador has announced investigators with his Idaho Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force arrested twenty-seven-year-old Brandon Ove on Tuesday, July 9 th, 2024, for Distributing child pornography and Sexual Exploitation of a child (by possession).

    香港特別行政區廉政公署 - 商界資訊 - Icac

    中心的服務對象廣泛,包括上市公司、中小型企業、公司董事、各行業的前線人員,以至專業人士,如會計師、律師和公司秘書等。歡迎透過 電郵 或熱線 2826 3288 與中心聯絡,查閱有關資訊或申請中心的服務。

    Anindiliyakwa Land Council boss Mark Hewitt referred to National Anti ...

    The head of a remote Northern Territory land council, Mark Hewitt, has been referred to the National Anti-Corruption Commission due to allegations of conflicts of interest.

    'My words have fallen on deaf ears': ICAC boss quits after reforms ...

    South Australia's anti-corruption commissioner has quit saying she has "run out of steam" after the state's integrity laws were watered down nearly three years ago.

    廉政公署(ICAC)的權力 | Community Legal Information Centre (CLIC)

    廉政公署(ICAC)的權力. 廉政公署於 1974 年成立,透過執法、教育及預防方式去打擊貪污。. 廉政公署是一個獨立的政府部門並由一位廉政專員掌管,而廉政專員只須直接向香港特區行政長官匯報。. 廉政公署的權力及職務範圍,主要列於《 廉政公署條例 ...

    何敦律師行 - A top-rated award-winning Hong Kong Law Firm

    With over 45 years of hard-earned experience as a law firm, our lawyers have become synonymous in Hong Kong and Asia with top-rated legal advice

    Bay City man arrested for possession of child porn, MSP says - WNEM

    A Bay City man has been arrested and charged for possession of child porn, according to the Michigan State Police (MSP) Computer Crimes Unit and Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC).

    Merrillville Man Sentenced to 390 Months in Prison

    This case was investigated by the Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations with assistance from the Indiana State Police (ICAC and Digital Forensics Lab), the Lake County Sheriff's Department, Special Victims Unit (Indiana), the Peru Police Department (Illinois), the LaSalle County Sheriff's Office (Illinois), the ...

    Icac 重大案件 - 律政高官受賄案 | 受賄案事件簿

    1989年10月27日 廉署拘捕前律政署署理副刑事檢控專員和兩名涉嫌賄賂該名前律政官員的私人執業律師。他們涉嫌違反《防止賄賂條例》,獲准保釋但須交出旅遊證件。

    Home : Nebraska Alliance of Child Advocacy Centers

    The Nebraska Alliance of Child Advocacy Centers is dedicated to enhancing Nebraska's response to child abuse with a multidisciplinary, child advocacy approach throughout all of our state's 93 counties.

    急!親友被ICAC請飲咖啡,有咩要做? - 法律知識 - 香港討論區 - 香討.香港 No.1

    今朝有個親友被ICAC請左去飲咖啡,唔知咩事,又唔知佢而家喺邊,佢屋企人好擔心,請問有咩可以做? 《香港討論區》

    Technical Crimes Division - Child Exploitation - Nebraska

    The Nebraska ICAC Task Force conducts both proactive and reactive child exploitation investigations including investigations involving the sexual assault of children, child pornography, and online enticement of children.