Commonly Used Legal Vocabularies in Courts and Litigation Procedures

    2024-09-26 00:25

    44. 45. 駐法院家庭暴力事件服務處強制調解(審前調解)確認婚姻無效婚姻關係存在確認婚姻關係不存在. Domestic Violence Cases Service Center. compulsory mediation (pre-trial mediation)confirm the nullification of a marriage existence of a marriage confirm the nonexistence of a marriage. 574. 46. 夫妻同居 ...

    Commonly Used Legal Vocabularies in Courts and Litigation Procedures

    證據 | 繁體中文-英文翻譯-劍橋字典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    證據 - 中文(繁體)-英語字典翻譯-劍橋字典

    談律所收費的英文表達方式 Let's Read Clauses about Lawyer's Fees and Retainer

    美國律所主要的三種收費方式:後酬、一口價、時薪與預付款. 讓我們來看看美國律所主要是哪三種收費方式 :. 1. 後酬 Contingency Fee。. 原告律師從勝訴或和解成功等最終賠償金額 Ultimate Recovery Amount 中索取一部分比例作為報酬,這個比例最常聽到的大概是 ...